Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Praise & Prayer

I just realized that it's been almost a month since I've posted anything here. Not on purpose mind you, I have actually been working on two posts about Living and Giving Generously, but I can't seem to put my rambling thoughts about the subjects into coherent sentences. It irritates me when that happens.

So what else have I been up to? Well, the last (almost) two weeks, I've been having gall bladder (or peptic ulcer) issues. I went to the doctor yesterday and have an ultrasound and upper GI scheduled for the 19th (that was the earliest I could get in). So I won't know anything conclusive until after that.
The way I figure, by the time the radiologist gets around to looking at my films and making a determination that it is indeed my gall bladder and then writes up his/her report to send to my new wonderful doctor and she gets a chance to look at it and have the front office staff call me to arrange for surgery or a follow-up appointment or whatever comes next, it'll be mid-May. Actually I am hoping that maybe they can have the results and set the surgery up for May 11th. I have plans for the weekend before (the symphony & a women's luncheon) so I'd hate to miss out on those and I don't have any big plans for Mother's Day. We'll see. Maybe I'll be surprised and it won't be my gall bladder at all.

I have great news! My husband is going to come with me to church on Sunday!!! I am absolutely estatic! He says he is only going because he knows it'll make me happy and he is not going to listen or be 'brainwashed', but I know that we serve a great, big God who can do mighty and miraculous things! Including opening the ears and heart of a man who has taken the first step but is stubbornly refusing to go farther.
Pray! Pray for him; that his ears be opened and his heart be softened. Pray! Pray for me; that I get out of the way and let God work and trust that He is, even if I can not see it.
Did I mention how absolutely, positively excited I am that my husband is coming to church?!?
God is doing great things in and through the ladies in the Bible study on Sunday nights. I truly had no idea why God placed the burden on my heart to lead it. Leading the study terrified me, truly scared me out of my socks, but I am so glad that I listened to that still small Voice of Truth instead of the hollering shouts of doubt! I know that relationships have been formed and friendships have been developed and strengthed. I have seen prayers answered and that is awesome! Absolutely awesome! The ladies have been angels of strength to me when I needed it most. How thankful I am for each of them. How thankful I am that God has blessed my life with them. So thankful in fact, that we are going to do another study once this one is over. Continue to pray for me, that I listen closely to the still small Voice of Truth and shut my ears to the hollering shouts of doubt.

I will try to catch up more or tomorrow. Hopefully, sooner then another month.

Have an awesome day!

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