I went to the post office at lunch today; had to return some shoes that I bought myself for Christmas that were too tight. (By the way, if you haven't already, definitely check out www.joesnewbalanceoutlet.com. I had bought these cute shoes for under $20!)

Anyway, I was driving back to work when all of a sudden I drove into a winter storm. Almost out of nowhere the skies opened up and dumped a winter's worth of rain. Ok, maybe it wasn't an entire winter's worth, but it was coming down heavy...that's odd for us, even in the winter.
Of course I love it...with the exception of the people who do not know how to drive in the rain. You either get behind the person who slows their car down to a death defying crawl and inches their way ever-so-slowly down the road as if they are afraid by going to fast they'll make a puddle splash and get their car wet or you get in front of, beside and in back of the person who believes that there is no reason that you still can't go 15 miles above the posted speed limit and it just makes total and complete sense to drive as fast as you can and hydroplane across the puddles therefore getting you to your destination all that much quicker! What is it with people? Slow down a little, drive like a sane person and all would be well. Right?
But I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the weather!!! I think it is absolutely, positively the best thing next to snow there is. I'd rather have snow...but I will settle for a wet, cold, soggy winter! I am strange that way. And I'm strange in other ways, but most definitely in this way. :)
I hope you are all enjoying your winter weather as much as I am.
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