Friday, January 19, 2007

Friday Randomness

What a slacker I have been. I was so excited about starting another blog and yet I let it fall by the wayside...I never think to drop in and jot something down. A hundred excuses and none of them all that good.

Tonight is the BaseCamp Assembly. (It's an annual event put on for the volunteers that work in the nursery-preschool department at church) I am praying that all goes well. This morning I had to give it over to God. I don't know why I hold onto things like I have any control over them. You would think by now that I would realize that I am not in control. But no, I fuss and stress and worry and then realize that there is no need to do any of that if I will just step aside and let God do His work. Too often I want to lead and let God follow. I struggle daily with remembering that I am simply a tool that God may choose to complete His work. I need to be willing to do what He asks, when He asks, where He asks, without questions and without complaint. I truly do not know why it is so hard for me to remember that. Why is that?

I am excited about the Assembly. I have been praying that God will work on the heart of the person or people that He has planned to step up and work on the curriculum. I am not excited about having to speak in public...I have never done that well...but I am praying that it'll be God's words, that he'll speak through me and that once again I will simply be a tool to accomplish God's work. I know that through God all things are possible, including me speaking in front of a group of 50 people.

On a totally different note, everyone is going away for the weekend, but me. Okay, well maybe not EVERYONE, but Mom and Dad and Bethany and her family, Katie, three or four lead teachers...

Mom and Dad are going away on their annual trip for Mom's birthday. They normally go closer to her birthday in February, but I think they are making this a joint birthday trip (Dad's birthday being in December) and possibly even an anniversary trip (they celebrated that in December too). I get to watch their dog. I don't mind doing it, but it truly makes me have to rearrange my schedule. It reminds me why I like my cat. Cat's don't need you to come home and let them out. And my parent's dog, well he's an attention junkie. You just can't stop by, let him out, fill up the food and water and go. No, you have to stay awhile and give him some attention, even then he doesn't want you to actually leave. So, my weekend will be scheduled around spending time with Buddy.

Of course, what else do I have to do? Bethany is going out of town with her family to celebrate Peter's birthday. She is who I'd normally hang out with on the weekends.

I do have to work on Saturday, so that willl take up a good chunk of my day. It's the only downside to being sick with no sick time to use. I just can't afford for my check to be an entire day short, and while i do have that money in the savings...I can't bring myself to pull it out. I am trying so hard to build up an emergency fund. A real emergency fund. So, if they have work and I have to give up a Saturday to prevent dipping into the reserves, well that's what has to be done.

On a positive note...Sunday is ready to go. All things prepped and sorted. Oh, almost ready, just remembered I needed to create some labels. But that is it, everything else is ready to go.

I may try to spend some time this weekend working on the next couple of lessons. I also need to devote a couple of hours to house cleaning.

New Year's resolution....declutter! For me that's it...that's an entire year's resolution. I have spent two weekends trying to put my all-purpose room in order, in a workable order. One would think that two days would be is not.

I have to sort, dejunk & organize my scrapbook supplies, my craft supplies, my Sunday School craft supplies, my office supplies, my personal filing, my Sunday School papers and other misc items that have made their way into that room. I tell you, it is going to take me all year...

I told Chuckie we should move. Moving is always a good incentive to go through things and for some reason there is more time to sort and pack when you know you are moving. Of course, I was joking with him. I can't find anyplace to move that is affordable and that will give us more storage space. I will pay up to $100 more per month for another bedroom or a yard with a storage shed, but not for another bathroom. Two baths are nice, but not all that necessary for two people. I have quite the wish list for a new place (hence why we haven't moved).
  • Three bedrooms or two bedrooms with additional storage on-site
  • Ground floor unit
  • Parking spaces or somewhere to park in view of the door or windows
  • Washer & Dryer Hook-up inside or just outside...I do not want to have to walk around the building to get clothes out of the dryer at midnight, and I do not want my washer and dryer protected by a measly lock behind worthless doors.
  • Pet friendly...I'm not dumping Chones in the desert because the grass is greener at another place
  • Not in walking distance to the schools, playgrounds, parks or daycare
  • Not in a complex with a pool, tot lot or sport court
  • Not more then $100 more then what we're paying now and that's only if water & trash are included.

See why we stay where we're at? it's the price that gets us every time...I just can't pay over a $1000 month for rent. Not until our vehicles are paid off or we win the lottery. And even then, it just seems insane.

Okay, I have rambled enough for one Friday.

Have an awesome weekend!

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