Thursday, February 15, 2007

No Body, No Problem

I had a revelation this week and I thought I'd share.

Every time I go to get my hair cut I tell the stylist the same thing...'I want my hair to have body!' And every time I go they cut it in some way that gives it a little bit of oomph and if I'm really lucky and the cut is good, I can recreate the oomph for at least a week or so after the cut. Then, no matter what I do or how much time I spend on it, I can't recreate the hairstyle. My hair just out and out refuses to 'oomph'! My hair is thin and my hair is baby fine. That is what God gave me.

My revalation this week; by constantly trying to add body to my hair, to make it something that it is not, I am trying to gain some sense of control where I have none.

I hate those revalations; that I am trying to be god in my life and not let God be in my life.

So, my hair has no problem! God knew what He was doing. I don't know why I had to have thin AND fine, but I thank God that all of the hairs on my head are numbered (Matthew 10:30). How awesome that He cares about me that much.

Now that's a pretty cool revelation!

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