Friday, February 9, 2007

Random Ramblings and Other Oddities

It's Friday. I'd say finally, but I don't think it has been a particularly long week, just a busy week. And busy weeks always go by so quickly. Of course it's the first truly busy week I have had this year. I planned it that way. I needed sometime to do absolutely positively nothing more then what I wanted to do so that I could recharge and have the energy to do the things that I absolutely positively must do. I think I am sufficiently recharged...for now.

Still have things I need to tackle. Especially the mountain of papers in my room. (I've decided to just claim the 2nd bedroom as mine since it is all my things in there anyway. And it is much easier to say my room then to say the craft/storage/office) Anyway, I still need to tackle them. I need to find a system that works. I need my favorite non-cluttered, non-attachment people to come over and spend an afternoon with me to help me do some serious decluttering. Somebody tell me that it is okay to let things go. My gosh, I have hoarder disorder! I am getting better though, not that you could tell it by seeing my room, but I have boxes of things to get rid of. Next step, putting them in my car and getting rid of them.

I think we are going to have one more yard sale here soon and then whatever doesn't sell, I'm sending to the Goodwill. I am actually thinking of skipping the yard sale and taking things straight to the Goodwill, but some stuff is stored at Mom's in her storage shed waiting on another yard sale. Need to make plans to do that. Maybe in March. Is March a good yard sale month? I 'spose as long as it doesn't rain, it'll be fine. Rain kind of puts a damper on things (pun intended).

I am teetering between tackling the mountain of paper to clear off the table, writing up next week's lesson or gathering supplies for the next unit to send out to be copied/prepped. Not sure how I want to spend my Saturday. Maybe I'll just surprise myself. Of course what that means is I'll decided to do something that totally isn't on that list and then none of it will get done. I need more structure; dare I say it...more scheduling, more discipline! I am discovering that my lack of discipline is actually stifling my creativity. AUGH!

Since this Sunday we will be learning about the Good Samaritan, I'd thought I'd leave you all with this:

A Sunday school teacher was telling her class the story of the Good Samaritan, in which a man was beaten, robbed and left for dead. She described the situation in vivid detail so her students would catch the drama. Then, she asked the class, "If you saw a person lying on the road side, all wounded and bleeding, what would you do?" A thoughtful little girl broke the hushed silence, saying "I think I'd throw up."

Enjoy an awesome weekend!

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