This is my motivation for getting off of my duff and doing something! I had all the grand plans and good intentions of getting up early this morning and working out, but did I? Nope...slept in! Maybe I should plan to exercise at a different time. But when? I don't think that exercising at 10pm and then crawling into bed is such a good idea...and there is no way I can exercise when I get home (at least not at home). I have got to find a way to make this work.
21 days...21 days to create a habit! So I've got to find some consistency for the next 21 days.
I am setting a goal to work out (at least) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Hopefully I can at least make 3 days a priority and work up from there. Eventually I'd like to do something six days per week, but I'm taking it slow. Otherwise I'll give myself a great excuse for not continuing.
Monday's Weigh In
Weight: 191 pounds
This Week: -1.5 pounds
Total Difference: -1.5 pounds
Goal: 60 more pounds!
I lost weight and I know that that is what is important, but I am so disappointed. Of course, last week was crazy with eating out and I only execised twice, so I can't expect much more then what I got.
I do need to stop stepping on the scale except Mondays. Watching my weight flux all week is enough to drive me crazy. One day I was at 189...then back up to 191. Then I beat myself up wondering what I did for it to go back up, what did I eat, etc...
So, the scale is going under the bathroom sink and I'll bring it out Monday mornings to weigh myself. Hopefully that'll eliminate some of my own self critique. (hopefully).
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