Monday, February 19, 2007

Good Circumstances, Not So Good Choices

Monday's Weigh In
Weight: 190 pounds
This Week: -1.0 pounds
Total Difference: -2.5 pounds
Goal: 60 more pounds!
I gave up last Friday on keeping track of my Weight Watcher points. I know, I am supposed to keep track of everything, but I knew if I saw my points last week I would have been so depressed that it wouldn't have been any good for anyone. I don't need to beat myself up because I chose to hang out and have dinner with my cousins and I don't need to see that celebrating my mom's birthday yesterday sent my points over the edge. I know that it did, but I don't need to see it.
I don't want to be in a place where I can not celebrate birthdays or where I can not hang out with family and friends for fear that I'll gain a pound or two. I want to be free to make not-so-good choices in good circumstances.
That's not to say that I'm giving up on WW. No, I am back on track this morning...logging in my Fig Newtons and raisins and the salad I am having for lunch. I will do my best to make healthy choices this week and exercise more consistently. I am moving forward, facing forward...not moving forward while walking backwards.
But somehow, despite my food splurging, I did lose a pound! I think that that is absolutely fantastic...especially considering that 'my friend' is visiting. I am most definitely retaining water, I can see it in my hands. I need to get better at drinking my 100oz of water during the weekend. I do really good during the week and then somehow I 'forget' to drink anything on the weekends.
Someone explain to me how drinking more water helps you to not retain water. That to me is one of life's great mysteries.

1 comment:

Campbell Dunson said...

I'm going to pray for you and your weight loss. It can be rough sometimes.
I am working on reminding myself that every day is a new day and just because I blew it (really blew it, bigtime!) yesterday doesn't mean all is lost if I get back on the horse today.
trying to stay out of the oreos myself,